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الرئيسية » تمارين و تدريبات و امتحانات للغة الانكليزية الامارات للصف التاسع

تمارين و تدريبات و امتحانات للغة الانكليزية الامارات للصف التاسع

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تمارين و تدريبات و امتحانات للغة الانكليزية الامارات
تمارين و تدريبات و امتحانات للغة الانكليزية الامارات
تمارين و تدريبات و امتحانات للغة الانكليزية الامارات
تمارين و تدريبات و امتحانات للغة الانكليزية الامارات

Present simple
( I do )
Ahmed is a bus driver , but now he is in bed asleep. So :
He is not driving a bus . ( He is asleep )
But he drives a bus . ( He is a bus driver . )
(Drive(s) / work(s) / do(es)etc. is the simple present .)

I / we / you / they …. drive / work / do etc .
He / she / it …… drives / works / does etc .

(I do )
Past now future

We use the present simple to talk about things in general .We are not thinking only about now .We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly or that something is true in general .It is not important whether the action is happenning at the time of speaking.

Present simple is used with (scientific facts , things in general , habits i.e : adverbs of frequency like ( always , usually , normally , often , from time to time, sometimes , now and then, rarely, seldom & never ).

• Teachers teach pupils at schools . ( in general )
• I usually play football . ( habit )
• She speaks English . ( repeatedly happening )
• The earth goes round the sun . ( Fact )

*We normally use the present simple with these verbs :
( smell , taste , hear & see )

* The flower smells nice .
* The food tastes delicious .

Circle the correct present tense verbs :

Ali ( is – are – was ) a good boy . Hind ( is – are – was ) a good girl .
They are playing on the grass . They ( love – loved – loving ) their country . Ali ( respects- respecting- respected ) his friends and Hind (helps – helped – helping ) her friends and teachers ,too . They ( is – are – were ) really good pupils .

Present continuous
(I am doing )

Use the continuous for something that is happening at or around the time of speaking . The action is not finished .

(I am doing)

Past now future

We use continuous tenses for actions and happenings ( They are eating / She is singing etc.)
Some verbs ( for example , know and like ) are not action verbs .You cannot say I am knowing or we are liking . You can only say ‘I know’, ‘We like’.
• The water is boiling . Can you turn it off ?
• Let’s go out . It is not raining now .
• You are working hard today . Yes , I’ve got a lot to do .

These words are used with present continuous :
Now , at the moment , at the present time & today

Put the verbs in the correct form , present continuous or present simple.

• Hurry up ! Everyone …………….. ( wait ) for you .
• We always ………………. ( go ) to school on Saturday .
• How is your English ? It is ……………. ( improve ) slowly .
• Hamad …………….( look ) for a house to live .
• They ……………… singing now .
• We often ……………(pray) at the mosque .
• Water ………….. ( boil ) at 100 degrees celsius .
• This food …………( taste ) delicious .

*The following verbs are not used in continuous tenses :
Love , like , know , need , depend , understand , seem , contain , suppose , mean , belong , realise , believe , remember , want , prefer & consist

Past simple
(I did)

Ali lived in Ruwais in the past but now he lives in Bedda’ Al Mutawa’h .

Very often the past tense ends in –ed . ( regular verbs )
* He visited his brother yesterday .
*We studied hard so we passed the exam .

verb + ed ( regular verbs )

But many verbs are irregular . The past tense doesn’t end in –ed. For example :

*Write ___wrote —-He wrote a story three years ago .
*Speak ___ spoke—-We spoke English when we went to London.
*Swim ___ swam—They swam in the sea last Friday .
*Eat ___ ate —-She ate the cakes but now she is hungry .

Words are used with the past simple Like yesterday , in the past , ago , in + a year in the past such as( in 1960 , in 2024 etc) , in + a month in the past like (in April) , on + a day in the past (on Saturday) last + a period of time such as (last Sunday , last September or last year ) & previously.

Past continuous
(I was doing)
was/were -verb+(ing)

I started doing (I was doing) I finished doing

past past now

*This time last Friday I was watching TV .(in the middle of the action)
*What were you doing yesterday at 1 o’clock.
I was praying at the mosque.( in the middle of the action )
*He was walking to school when he saw Hamad .( in the middle of the
action )
*I went home after shopping yesterday .( complete action )
*He was writing a story when the door bell rang .( in the middle of the
action )

There are words that are not useed with the past continuous like ( know , want ,believe …etc). Others are mentioned before .

We use past continuous with words like ( while , when & as )

*He wrote a story when he was ill last summer. ( completely )
*While I was working on the farm , I fell down . (in the middle of the
action )

Put the verbs in the correct form , past continuous or past simple.

1- Ali hurt himself while he …………………..(cycle) on the road .
2- We ………….( have ) breakfast while we ………….( wait ) for you .
3- When I was small , I …………….. ( like ) to be a pilot .
4- He …………. ( try ) to get a driving licence when I ……….( see ) him .
5- When the accident …………(happen) I ………… (walk) along the street .
6- I ………..( meet ) Rashed at the hospital three weeks ago .

Future Simple
I’ll = I will

We use ( I’ll ) = (I will) when we decide to do something at the time of speaking .
For example:
*Did you phone your brother ? Oh no , I forgot . I‘ll phone him now .
*I’m hungry. I’ll eat something now .
*The bag is heavy . I’ll help you with it .
*Thanks for lending me your mobile . I’ll bring it back tomorrow .

We use future simple when we talk about the future not about what somebody has decided to do . For example :
• I’ll travel to london in the near future .
• He will visit his uncle tomorrow .
• They will go camping next winter .
• We shall join the university after school .
• Many things will change in 2024 .

We use future simple wih these words ( tomorrow , next + a period of time like next week , in + a year like in 2024/2017…etc & in the future .

*Circle the correct verbs tense :

Tomorrow ( starts – will start – started ) very cloudy , but by about 11 o’clock , the clouds ( pass by – will pass by – passed by ) and the sun ( comes – will come – came ) for a brief time . This will last about two hours and then the clouds ( will become – becomes – became ) blacker , and it ( will start – starts – srarted ) to rain .


Verbs are action words . They describe what some one is doing .
– To listen
– I am hurt .

Sentences should contain verbs to make sense .

Main verbs : Like ( go , write , sleep , read , sing , jump , …etc ).

Helping verbs ( auxiliaries ) : Like verbs to be: (am – is – are – was – were ) , verbs to have: ( has – have – had ) , verbs to do: ( does – do – did ) & modals can- could – may – might – must – ought to – shall – should – will – would )

e.g:I am going on holiday on next week .
e.g:I have decided to go to France .
e.g:I will go there next week .

• Make one line under auxiliaries and two lines under verbs :

1- He is coming to school today .
2- Have you seen my pencil case .
3- The first lesson starts at 7.30 o’clock .
4- We went for a walk yesterday.
5- He ca speak English fluently .

• Put the words that you think are verbs into the verbs box:

( stood – give – football – trunk – played – watched – blew – dressed )

Verbs only
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….

Verbs tell us about the doer of the action or what is called the
Subject ( person) .

First person ……………….. I eat ./ We eat .
Second person ……………. You eat .
Third person ……………… He eats . / She eats . / They eat .

The subjet ( nouns or pronouns ) must agree with the verb .

Third person sigular : nouns ( Ali – Hind – Hamad – school , …etc )
pronouns ( He – She – It ) take ( s or es ) at the end of the verb in the present tense .

e.g : He likes . ( Correct ) The subject and the verb agree .
e.g : I likes . ( wrong ) They don’t agree .
e.g : I like . ( correct ) They agree .

• Put a suitable pronoun into each space to show the person of the verb :

1-………….. likes water sports .
2- Afra . …………. Don’t like cheap cars .
3- I can’t help it , but ………… like any car that goes fast .
4-………….can keep the present . ………….. are my best friend .
6- …………swims so well . …………….has won medals .

I – She / He – You – We – They

• Put the correct tense forms of the verbs in the correct places .

Present tense of Present tense of
To jump to be
I ………… I ………
You ……………. You ………………
He / She ………… He / She ……………
We ……………… We ………………….
They ……………. They ………………..

jumped – jumping – is – was – jump – jumps – are – were

Subject – Verb – object

The dog chased the cat .

Subject verb object

Transitive verbs : They have objects .

e.g : Hamad read the book .

transitive object

Intransitive verbs: They don’t have objects .

e.g : They danced all night .

intransitive ( no object )

e.g : Hamad slept .


Some verbs can be both ( transitive and intransitive )

e.g : wash

He didn’t wash yesterday . ( no object )

He washed the dishes yesterday .
Transitive object

What / Whom
If the answer is within the sentence , then the verb is transitive , but if the answer is not within the sentence , then the verb is intransitive .

Mary read the book .
What did Mary read ? The book .
So ,( read ) is transitive .

• Write ( T ) opposite the sentences that use the verb in the transitive form and ( I ) to the sentences that use the verb in intransitive form .

1- Rashed closed the door . ( )
2- Hamad returned the book yesterday . ( )
3- As expected , Ali came back . ( )
4- He fed the cat . ( )
5- He swims in the sea . ( )
6- She lost her keys . ( )
7- The school team lost . ( )
8- Omar crossed the road . ( )


A sentence is a group of words which make sense on its own .
All sentences should begin with a capital letter and have a fullstop , question mark or exclamation mark at the end .

A sentence has at least two parts a subject and a verb .

The dog chased the cat .

Subject verb object
The dog is not a sentence because it has not a verb .
Chased the dog is not a sentence because it has no subject .
There are four types of the sentence .
1-Statements e.g : The cat is brown .
2-Questions e.g : Where is the cat .
3-Exclamations e.g: You’re such a good boy !
4-Commands e.g : Stop chasing that cat . / !

• Put / opposite sentences and X opposite those which are not .
1-She left .
2-the boy hit the ball
3-Who’s that
4-He went home .
5-He liked fish and chips .
6-They disappeared after the party

Simple sentence
Complex sentences
A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate .

e.g : The electrician fixed the wire .
subject predicate ( always contains a verb )

Compound sentence : Two simple sentences or more joined together with connecting words such as and or but .
e.g : The electrician fixed the wire , and the lights came on .
simple sentence simple sentence
Complex sentences : They are sentences which have a main clause and a subordinate clause .
e.g : Before he goes to school , Ali likes to go out running .
subordinate clause main clause
Each clause is dependent on one another . They are not equal .
The main clause can stand on its own but the subordinate cannot .

* Put ( S ) opposite simple sentences and ( C ) opposite complex ones .

1- Hamad hesitated . ——–
2- Before we ate our dinner , we washed our hands . ———
3- The pupil wrote the story . ———–
4- The girls went to the home after they finished their classes . ———–
5- Eid Al Fiter is really a great fun . ———–
6- The day was cold , even though the sun was shining . ———-

Phrases and clauses

A phrase is a group of words that forms part of part of a sentence , but it doesn’t contain a verb and doesn’t make sense on its own .

E.g : Early in the morning , I go out for a run .
Phrase main clause

A clause is a group of words that forms part of a sentence , and it contains a verb.

e.g : Before I go to school , I go out for a run .
subordinate clause main clause

• Make one line under the phrase and two lines under the subordinate clause .
1- Before the match , the players prayed .
2- The boy fell in the middle of the playground .
3- He loved going on holidays , even though he disliked the sun .
4- The girls jumped over the fence when they saw the dog .

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date : 6/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

Circle the correct present tense verbs :

Ali ( is – are – was ) a good boy . Hind ( is – are – was ) a good girl .
They are playing on the grass . They ( love – loved – loving ) their country . Ali ( respects- respecting- respected ) his friends and Hind (helps – helped – helping ) her friends and teachers ,too . They ( is – are – were ) really good pupils .

Put the verbs in the correct form , present continuous or present simple.

• Hurry up ! Everyone …………….. ( wait ) for you .
• We always ………………. ( go ) to school on Saturday .
• How is your English ? It is ……………. ( improve ) slowly .
• Hamad …………….( look ) for a house to live .
• They ……………… singing now .
• We often ……………(pray) at the mosque .
• Water ………….. ( boil ) at 100 degrees celsius .
• This food …………( taste ) delicious .

Objective : To distinguish between simple present and present continuous .
e.g : Ali speaks English well .
e.g : The pupils is walking to the school school quickly.

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date : 9/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thyabit School

Put the verbs in the correct form , past continuous or past simple.

1-Ali hurt himself while he …………………..(cycle) on the road .
2-We ………….( have ) breakfast while we ………….( wait ) for you .
3-When I was small , I …………….. ( like ) to be a pilot .
4-He …………. ( try ) to get a driving licence when I ……….( see ) him .
5-When the accident …………(happen) I ………… (walk) along the street .
6-I ………..( meet ) Rashed at the hospital three weeks ago .

Objective : To distinguish between past simple and past continuous .
e.g : Ali wrote a short story last summer .
e.g : He was writing a story when we visited him.

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date :10/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

*Circle the correct verbs tense :

Tomorrow ( starts – will start – started ) very cloudy , but by about 11 o’clock, the clouds ( pass by – will pass by – passed by ) and the sun ( comes – will come – came ) for a brief time . This will last about two hours and then the clouds ( will become – becomes – became ) blacker , and it ( will start – starts – srarted ) to rain .

Objective : To recognise simple future .
e.g : Ali will go to London next year .
e.g : The pupils will not go to school on the coming Friday.

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date :2/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

• Make one line under auxiliaries and two lines under verbs :

1-He is coming to school today .
2-Have you seen my pencil case .
3-The first lesson starts at 7.30 o’clock .
4-We went for a walk yesterday.
5-He ca speak English fluently .

• Put the words that you think are verbs into the verbs box:

( stood – give – football – trunk – played – watched – blew – dressed )

Verbs only
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….

Objective : To distinguish between auxiliaries and verbs.
e.g : Ali is going to the school .
aux. verb
e.g : The pupils can learn many subjects at the school.
aux. verb
Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date : 3/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

• Put a suitable pronoun into each space to show the person of the verb :

1-………….. likes water sports .
2- Hamad . …………. don’t like cheap cars , do you ?
3- I can’t help it , but ………… like any car that goes fast .
4-………….can keep the present . ………….. are my best friend .
5-…………swims so well . …………….has won medals .

I – She / He – You – We – They

Put the correct tense forms of the verbs in the correct places .

Present tense of Present tense of
To jump to be
I ………… I ………
You ……………. You ………………
He / She ………… He / She ……………
We ……………… We ………………….
They ……………. They ………………..

jumped – jumping – is – was – jump – jumps – are – were

Objective : To identify subject vereb agreement .
e.g : Ali speaks English well .
e.g : The pupils go to school everyday .

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date : 4/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School
• Write ( T ) opposite the sentences that use the verb in the transitive form and ( I ) to the sentences that use the verb in intransitive form .
1-Rashed closed the door . ( )
2-Hamad returned the book yesterday . ( )
3-As expected , Ali came back . ( )
4-He fed the cat . ( )
5-He swims in the sea . ( )
6-She lost her keys . ( )
7-The school team lost . ( )
8-Omar crossed the road . ( )

• Put ( / ) opposite sentences and ( X ) opposite those which are not .
1-She left .
2-the boy hit the ball
3-Who’s that
4-He went home .
5-He liked fish and chips .
6-They disappeared after the party

Objectives :
1-To distinguish between transitive verbs and intransitive verbs .
e.g : He played football .
Trans. Object
e.g : He went to the school .
Intras. ( no object )
2-To recognis e sentence structure .
e.g : Ali speaks English .
subject verb object
Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 2nd prep
Work : remedial
Date : 5/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

*Make one line under the phrase and two lines under the subordinate clause .

1-Before the match , the players prayed .
2-The boy fell in the middle of the playground .
3-He loved going on holidays , even though he disliked the sun .
4-The girls jumped over the fence when they saw the dog .

* Put ( S ) opposite simple sentences and ( C ) opposite complex ones .

1-Hamad hesitated . ——–
2-Before we ate our dinner , we washed our hands . ———
3-The pupil wrote the story . ———–
4-The girls went to the home after they finished their classes . ———–
5-Eid Al Fiter is really a great fun . ———–
6-The day was cold , even though the sun was shining . ——

Objective : To distinguish between simple sentence and complex sentence .
e.g : Ali speaks English well . ( simple sentence )
e.g : The pupils go to school everyday after they have their breakfast . ( Complex )

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date : 6/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

Circle the correct present tense verbs :

Ali ( is – are – was ) a good boy . Hind ( is – are – was ) a good girl .
They are playing on the grass . They ( love – loved – loving ) their country . Ali ( respects- respecting- respected ) his friends and Hind (helps – helped – helping ) her friends and teachers , too . They ( is – are – were ) really good pupils .

Put the verbs in the correct form , present continuous or present simple.

• Hurry up ! Everyone …………….. ( wait ) for you .
• We always ………………. ( go ) to school on Saturday .
• How is your English ? It is ……………. ( improve ) slowly .
• Hamad …………….( look ) for a house to live .
• They ……………… singing now .
• We often ……………(pray) at the mosque .
• Water ………….. ( boil ) at 100 degrees celsius .
• This food …………( taste ) delicious .

Objective : To distinguish between simple present and present continuous .
e.g : Ali speaks English well .
e.g : The pupils is walking to the school school quickly.

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date : 9/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thyabit School

Put the verbs in the correct form , past continuous or past simple.

1-Ali hurt himself while he …………………..(cycle) on the road .
2-We ………….( have ) breakfast while we ………….( wait ) for you .
3-When I was small , I …………….. ( like ) to be a pilot .
4-He …………. ( try ) to get a driving licence when I ……….( see ) him .
5-When the accident …………(happen) I ………… (walk) along the street .
6-I ………..( meet ) Rashed at the hospital three weeks ago .

Objective : To distinguish between past simple and past continuous .
e.g : Ali wrote a short story last summer .
e.g : He was writing a story when we visited him.

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date :10/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

*Circle the correct verbs tense :

Tomorrow ( starts – will start – started ) very cloudy , but by about 11 o’clock, the clouds ( pass by – will pass by – passed by ) and the sun ( comes – will come – came ) for a brief time . This will last about two hours and then the clouds ( will become – becomes – became ) blacker , and it ( will start – starts – srarted ) to rain .

Objective : To recognise simple future .
e.g : Ali will go to London next year .
e.g : The pupils will not go to school on the coming Friday.

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date :2/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

• Make one line under auxiliaries and two lines under verbs :

1-He is coming to school today .
2-Have you seen my pencil case .
3-The first lesson starts at 7.30 o’clock .
4-We went for a walk yesterday.
5-He ca speak English fluently .

• Put the words that you think are verbs into the verbs box:

( stood – give – football – trunk – played – watched – blew – dressed )

Verbs only
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….
………………… …………………….

Objective : To distinguish between auxiliaries and verbs.
e.g : Ali is going to the school .
aux. verb
e.g : The pupils can learn many subjects at the school.
aux. verb
Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date : 3/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

• Put a suitable pronoun into each space to show the person of the verb :

1-………….. likes water sports .
2- Hamad . …………. don’t like cheap cars , do you ?
3- I can’t help it , but ………… like any car that goes fast .
4-………….can keep the present . ………….. are my best friend .
5-…………swims so well . …………….has won medals .

I – She / He – You – We – They

Put the correct tense forms of the verbs in the correct places .

Present tense of Present tense of
To jump to be
I ………… I ………
You ……………. You ………………
He / She ………… He / She ……………
We ……………… We ………………….
They ……………. They ………………..

jumped – jumping – is – was – jump – jumps – are – were

Objective : To identify subject vereb agreement .
e.g : Ali speaks English well .
e.g : The pupils go to school everyday .

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date : 4/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School
• Write ( T ) opposite the sentences that use the verb in the transitive form and ( I ) to the sentences that use the verb in intransitive form .
1-Rashed closed the door . ( )
2-Hamad returned the book yesterday . ( )
3-As expected , Ali came back . ( )
4-He fed the cat . ( )
5-He swims in the sea . ( )
6-She lost her keys . ( )
7-The school team lost . ( )
8-Omar crossed the road . ( )

• Put ( / ) opposite sentences and ( X ) opposite those which are not .
1-She left .
2-the boy hit the ball
3-Who’s that
4-He went home .
5-He liked fish and chips .
6-They disappeared after the party

Objectives :
1-To distinguish between transitive verbs and intransitive verbs .
e.g : He played football .
Trans. Object
e.g : He went to the school .
Intras. ( no object )
2-To recognis e sentence structure .
e.g : Ali speaks English .
subject verb object
Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

Project of elevating students’ achievements
مشروع رفع مستوى تحصيل الطلاب والارتقاء به .
Class : 3rd Secondary
Work : remedial
Date : 5/10/2017
Hassan Bin Thabit School

*Make one line under the phrase and two lines under the subordinate clause .

1-Before the match , the players prayed .
2-The boy fell in the middle of the playground .
3-He loved going on holidays , even though he disliked the sun .
4-The girls jumped over the fence when they saw the dog .

* Put ( S ) opposite simple sentences and ( C ) opposite complex ones .

1-Hamad hesitated . ——–
2-Before we ate our dinner , we washed our hands . ———
3-The pupil wrote the story . ———–
4-The girls went to the home after they finished their classes . ———–
5-Eid Al Fiter is really a great fun . ———–
6-The day was cold , even though the sun was shining . ——

Objective : To distinguish between simple sentence and complex sentence .
e.g : Ali speaks English well . ( simple sentence )
e.g : The pupils go to school everyday after they have their breakfast . ( Complex )

Practice : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..

سبحان الله و بحمده

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