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تعريف الصوتيات والسنتاكس للصف التاسع

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تعريف الصوتيات والسنتاكس
phonetics : The branch of linguistics dealing with speech sounds and
their production combination description and representation
.by symbols

phonology : The study of speech sounds in language with reference
.to their distribution and patterning and to pronunciation rules

A phoneme : The smallest unit of sound in a language which can
distinguish two words
e.g pan and ban differ in phonemic consonants /p/ and /b/ while
ban and bin differ in phonemic vowels /ae/ and /I/. over

علم الصوتيات( فونتيكس): هو فرع من علم اللغويات يتعامل مع أصوات الكلام و وصف إخراج الحروف ( نطقها ) و تمثيلها بالرموز.

علم الأصوات الكلامية ( فونولوجي ): هو دراسة الأصوات الكلامية في اللغة بالرجوع إلى توزيع الأصوات و قواعد اللفظ.

الفونيم : أصغر وحدة كلام في لغة ما يمكن أن تساعد على تمييز لفظتين عن بعضهما.

مثال : pan & ban تختلفان عن بعضهما في الفونيم الساكن /p/ and /b/

بينما تختلف ban & bin في الفونيم المتحرك /ae/ and /I/



Syntax is one of the linguistics discipline that studies sentence structure in a language. It attempts to describe what is grammatical in a particular language in term of rules. These rules detail an underlying structure and a transformational process. The underlying structure of English, for example would have a (subject-verb-object) sentence order (Sami kicked the ball). The transformational process would allow an alteration of the word order which could give you something like (The ball was kicked by Sami.). But If the sentence were The ball kicked Sami, the meaning would be reversed somewhat confusingly, and if it were Kicked the ball Sami, they would immediately recognize it as violating the basic syntactical order in their English language and therefore as being ungrammatical.Every language has rules that dictate where a part of speech is allowed and where it is not. So syntax is the study of sentence structure in a language

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