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أمتحان الفصل الأول للصف التاسع

[I- Reading Comprehension
v Read the Shamma’s and Khaled’s schedules:
A) Complete the two following time-tables:
Shamma’s Daily Time-Table
10:00 History
11:00 Break
12:15 Religious Studies
12:50 Lunch
Khaled’s Daily Time-Table
8:00 English
10:00 History
11:00 Break
12:50 Lunch
المادة : اللغة الإنجلیزیة
الصف : الثامن الأساسي
الفترة : وحیده
2024/12/ الیوم والتاریخ : الأحد 9
ساعة و نصف
دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة
وزارة التربیة والتعلیم
إدارة منطقة الفجیرة التعلیمیة
قسم التخطیط والتقویم / الامتحانات
Khaled: I’m going to tell you what we studied today at school. First
we had English class. We studied grammar today. Then, at 9:00 we
had Science. After that, we had History, and today our teacher told us
about Al Hijra. After History, we had a break. Then, we had Arabic.
Before lunch break, we had Religious studies. After lunch, we had IT.
We finally went home at 2:00 p.m.
Shamma: Everyday, we have the same subjects. First we have Maths
at 8:00. Then, we have IT at 9:00. A er IT, we have History at 10:00.
After that we have a break for ten minutes. Next, we have Geography
at 11:15. We have Religious Studies before lunch, and then we have
Arabic at 1:00. Finally, we go home at 2:00.
B) Write True or False:
1. In English Class today, Khaled studied grammar. ( )
2. Khaled learnt about Al Hijra in Religious Studies today. ( )
3. Shamma goes home at 2:00. ( )
C) Choose the correct answer:
1. How many subjects do Shamma and Khaled have everyday?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
2. How many subjects does Shamma have after lunch?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
3. How many subjects does Khaled have before the break?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Reading Passage 2
A) Read the following text:
Mr. Malek is a businessman from Dubai. He owns a company that sells new
cars and machines. It has many showrooms in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Last month
Mr. Malek traveled to Japan to buy some new Japanese cars and machines. He
spent two weeks there. He stayed at Paradise Hotel in Tokyo. He had several
meetings with Japanese businessmen and merchants. He visited many cars and
machine factories. He bought some new models of cars and other machines like
dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and home robots. Mr. Malek also had great fun in
Japan. He visited many interesting places there. The weather was wonderful, so he
went sailing, swimming and mountains climbing with other friends. Mr. Malek
also went to restaurants and tried some delicious Japanese dishes. His visit was
really interesting.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
1- The text is about———————————.
a- Mr. Malek’s visit to Japan b- Japan’s food
c- restuarants d- Japan’s weather
2- Mr. Malek visited………………………
a. Makka b. Dubai c. Tokyo d. Paris
3- Mr. Malek owns …………………..
a- factory b-hotel c- restaurant d- company
4- Mr. Malek lives in …………….
a. Makka b. Dubai c. Tokyo d. Paris
5- What Is?
1. The meaning of the underlined word" delicious " in the text?
a. bad b. big c. small d. good
2. The opposite of the underlined word " new " in the text?
a. old b. tall c. brown d. wonderful
C) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Mr. Malek go to Japan?
a- To have fun. b- To buy a restaurant
c- To buy new cars and machines d- To eat in a Japanese restaurant
2- How long was Mr. Malek’s visit to Japan?
a- A week. b- Three weeks.
c- Four days. d- Two weeks.
II- Vocabulary
A: Circle the correct word:
1. If you don’t know the meaning of the word, look it up in the …………………..
a. dictionary b. primary c. secondary d. education
2. We take ……………………. classes in the computer lab.
a. History b. Religious Studies c. IT d. Geography
3. How do you …………………. juice? j – u – i – c- e.
a. spell b. learn c. teach d. explain
4. The weather is often cold in ……………………….
a. summer b. winter c. autumn d. spring
5. We ……………… go to school on Friday.
a. always b. sometimes c. often d. never
6. My father works as a …………………… of a big company.
a. manager b. manual c. agriculture d. shelf
7. After finishing school, 90% of students go to ……………………
a. secondary b. primary c. dictionary d. university
8. We learnt how to draw maps in …………………………
a. History b. Religious Studies c. IT d. Geography
9. Hind works in ………………….. She is a banker.
a. agriculture b. construction c. finance d. education
10. At the age of 6 students go to ———————————school.
a. secondary b. primary c. college d. university
A ) Classify the following vocabulary items :
( Summer – January – Noon – Winter – March – Morning
June – August – Night – Autumn )
Seasons Times of the Day Months
III- Grammar
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
1. The teacher told …………. us that we will have a test tomorrow.
a. to b. — c. for d. with
2. I eat in the restaurant ……………. a week.
a . once b. one c. one time d. everyday
3. I am going to ……………… TV.
a. watching b. is watching c. watched d. watch
4. What ………………. in the evenings?
a. do you do b. you do c. do d. you
5. I want ……………….. to the cinema this weekend.
a. go b. going c. to go d. went
6. Last month, we learnt ………………the population of China is over 1 million.
a. how b. that c. about d. of
7. I saw a …………………….. today.
a. girl beautiful b. girl in beautiful c. beautiful girl d. beautiful
8. We are going ………………… about France today.
a. study b. studying c. studied d. to study
9. She is …………………….
a. Japan b. Japanese c. of Japan d. to Japan
10. I always go to school …………. car.
a. to b. — c. by d. in
11. In Maths last week, we learnt ——————– triangles.
a. that b. how to c. about d. of
12. Look ———- this picture. It’s very beautiful!
a. at b. to c. for d. —-
13. What is the capital ………. the UAE?
a. — b. of c. about d. with
14. Where ……………. going?
a. you b. are c. are you d. you are
15. We had …….. History today.
a. a b. the c. — d. an
B. Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1 – everyday – the same – We – subjects – have
__________________________________________________ __________________
2 – week – IT – last – studied – I
__________________________________________________ __________________
3 – visit – on the – my grandmother – I usually – weekend
__________________________________________________ __________________
4 – Mathematics? – you – Do – like
__________________________________________________ __________________
5 – to work – She – for a – work – bank
__________________________________________________ __________________
V. Writing
A ) Add the missing letter:
1. We learnt about the lion in S__ience last week.
2. I usually wake up at __uarter to eight.
3. Today, I am going to go to the superma__ket. .
4. Do you plan on going to colle__e?
A) Use the frequency adverbs (always, sometimes, never, often) to write
three sentences about regular events in your school.
__________________________________________________ _______________________
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D) Write a paragraph describing the Educational system in the UAE. What subjects are
compulsory and what subjects are optional? What are the stages of education in the UAE?
At what age do students start school and when do they finish?
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Good Luck !

سبحان الله و بحمده

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