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الرئيسية » paragraph unit 8- 9 الصف الخامس

paragraph unit 8- 9 الصف الخامس

أهم paragraph للوحدتين الثامنة والتاسعة ..

لجميع الطلاب والطالبات أتمنى انهم يستفيدون منه ..

Unit 8
Write a paragraph about "Your favorite hobby":-
My favorite hobby is collecting stamps. I like to collect stamps because they are colorful. They also have different sizes and shapes. I think it’s fun to collect stamps. I have a very big collection of stamps. I have stamps from many countries around the world.
Write a paragraph about "Your favorite sport":-
My favorite sport is soccer. I think it’s exciting to play soccer. I like to play soccer with my friends. I usually play soccer with my friends at the weekend. A lot of people like this sport, but I like to know everything about it.
Write three sentences about hobbies:-
1) I think it’s easy to collect tree leaves.
2) I think it’s interesting to collect coins.
3) I think it’s hard to collect trophies.
Unit 9
Write a paragraph about an act of a play about: visit to the country.
The following points may help you:
· Setting: The country.
· Characters: Rashid and Majid.
· Summary of action: Majid visits his cousin Rashid in the country.
Majid decided to visit his cousin Rashid in the country. There, he saw many animals, farms and big houses. Rashid took him to his farm where he saw many trees. They played and ran in the fields. They had a delicious meal for lunch. Majid liked the quiet place and clean air. He invited Rashid to visit him in the city.
Write three sentences about a play you like:-
1) I like the play of the city mouse and the country mouse.
2) It happened in the country and the city.
3) The city mouse found that it’s boring to live in the country, but the country mouse found it’s dangerous to live in the city.

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