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الرئيسية » كلمات تساعدك بتكوين عبارات انجليزيه .. -تعليم الامارات

كلمات تساعدك بتكوين عبارات انجليزيه .. -تعليم الامارات

  • بواسطة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ":

هذي بعض الكلمات والجمل الأساسية تساعدك لإجراء أي حوار بسيط باللغة الانجليزية ..

أتمنى لكـــم الاستفادة منها :


Thanks, very much
Thanks a lot
Very may thanks
Thank you

للــردعلى الشكــر

not at all
that’s all right
you are welcome


I’m so sorry
So sorry
I beg your pardon
Pardon me
My apology

للــرد على الاعتــــذار

not at all
It’s all right


Allow me
؟……… May I
Of course
With pleasure
……… Do you mind if
! Of course not
! Not at all
?May I come in
! Certainly
?May I use your telephone
! Sure
? Might I see you you alone
! Of course

للتحـــــذيـر! take care
! Look out
! Take care pf yourself

للتطــوع بتقــديـم خــدمــة

? May I help you
? Any help
? Anything I can do for you
Yes, please


؟ …. will you
؟ …. Would you
? ….. , Excuse me

للـــرد على الرجــــــاء

! sure! Certainly
! of course
Sure if I can
With pleasure
I’m afraid I can’t
Of course not


have a nice weekend
Have a nice day
I wish you will
I wish you the best
Bless you
…. Please remember me to


fantastic! – Fine
Good – Great. – It’s nice
! ….. What a


….. It’s a great pleasure for me to
How could we ever forget you
We were together at least


All right. – As you like
Certainly. – – Exactly . I agree
I don’t blame you
I know what you mean
I see
It’s up to you
No problem. Okay ( ok )
I guess so
I hope so
I suppose so
I think so
I would be glad to
That’s a good idea
Well. – very well – with pleasure

عـــــــدم الموافقـــــــــة

…. All right , but
I can’t agree. – I can’t agree with you
I don’t believe so
I don’t expect so
I don’t hope so
I don’t think so
That’s wrong
I refuse to believe that
You are quite wrong
No way

التعــــــريف بالأشخـــــاص


I’d like to introduce Ali
Let me introduce you to Fahd
Pleased to meet you
How do you do


I really must go now
Ok. See you
See you again
See you later
So long. Take care

رد الفعـــــــل

How exciting ! How terrible
I am delighted
I don’t care
What a pity
What a shame


just a minute
Just a moment please
Wait a minute

طــــلب التكــــرارwhat did you say
Please speak more loudly
Speak up
Speak up please, I can’t hear you

تعابـــــير للـــــربط

above all
After all
As a result
First of all

سبحان الله و بحمده

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