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الرئيسية » امتحان الوحدة الرابعه عن المواصلات . للصف السابع

امتحان الوحدة الرابعه عن المواصلات . للصف السابع

  • بواسطة

————————– Evaluation one
Grade: 7
Reading Comprehension
Passage one
Read the passage and answer the questions bellow…

Nawal has a little garden in front of her house. She grows some vegetables and fruit in her garden. One afternoon, while she was picking some carrots and cucumbers for dinner, she heard a sound; she thought it was a bird. She looked around their was a big frog, which was trying to run away from a snake which wanted to swallow it. Suddenly Nawal killed the snake with a big stone and saved the frog. The frog then ran fast to it other friends. Nawal didn’t know where it went. She looked for the frog until she found a big family of frogs living in peace together. Nawal left them alone and went home….

A- 1- The passage is talking about ……..
a- a big frog b- little garden c- Nawal who saved the frog

2- Nawal had a little —————————
a- frog b- snake c- garden

3- Nawal grows some ————————————– in her garden.
a- fruit b- vegetables c- fruit & vegetables

4- The opposite of peace is ——————–.
a- safe b- dangerous c- sad

5- She ( line one) refers to ———————–
a-Frog b- fruit c- Nawal

Passage Two

Juan lives in the town of Candessa but he works on the island of Cabrera. It takes Juan along time to get work.
First, he rides his bicycle to the train station at Candessa.
It is about three kilometers and it takes ten minutes.
Then he gets a train to Adra. The city is about 30 km from Gandessa and the train takes 45 min on a good day.
Adra station, he got a bus to the ferry stop.
It is about two km, but the bus takes a long time- 20 min
at least.
A ferry is a kind of boat. It goes from one side of
a river to the other side or from the coast to an island.
Cabrera is about four km from the coast.
The Cabrera ferry takes 15 min.
Finally, Juan walks to the office. It is about half
a kilometer, so it only takes five minutes.
In the evening he does it all again, in the opposite direction.

A-Complete the table…( 3 m )

Activities Times
Rides a bicycle
45 min
A bus takes

B- Mark / or x …( 2 m ).

1- Jaun lives in Cabrera and works in Gandessa. ——-

2- The ferry stops os a bout four km from Adra station. ——-

C- Choose the right answer from a b or c …( 5 m ).

1- Jaun takes a ——————– time to get the work.
a- short b- long c- tall

2- First, he rides his bicycle to the ———————— at Candessa.
a- bus station b- train station c- taxi station

3- Jaun finishes work in the ———————–.
a- morning b- afternoon c- evening

4- A ferry is a kind of ———————————.
a- bus b- car c- boat

5-He gets a train to ———————————.
a- Adra b- Cabrera c- Candessa


A- Circle the right answer from a b or c ….( 10 m ).

1- A tram is ———————————- bus
a- kind b- a kind of c- kinds

2- How ———————— is it?
a- long b- much c- far

3- I come to school ————- foot.
a- by b- in c- on

4-I ——————- to drive a car.
a- wants b- wanted c- want

5-She ———————to school by bus everyday.
a- goes b- going c- go

6- – —————– long does it take?
a- Who b- How c- What

7- —————— you come from Dubai?
a- Are b- Does c- Do

8-Ben Nevis and Snowdon —————– mountains in the UK.
a- is b- are c- they

9- There is ——————————————- at my school-.
a- a large b- a large hall c- hall

10-New York City is —————————- the coast.
a- in b- on c- at

B- Reorder the following words to make correct sentences,,,

1- Khawla – a bus – Dubai – to – catches – everyday.

2- works – town – on – She – in – a large – the coast

3- is – than – a car – a bicycle – How – faster?

4- gets –- Faisal – to a train – from – Dubai – Sharjah

4- bicycle – He – his – rides – the – train – to – station


A- Choose the correct answer from a b or c …( 20 M)..

1- I ride my ——————– on Thursday.
a- car b- plane c- bicycle

2- She wants to —————— a car.
a- ride b- fly c- drive

3- An ———————– is a kind of train. It goes under the ground.
a- tram b- underground c- bus

4- It ————————– thirty minutes from Manama to Ajman.
a-take b- took c- takes

5- There are five cars on the —————————-
a- sky b- lake c- road

6-How do you ——————- to school everyday?
a- get b- ride c- fly

7- A moped is a kind of very small ———————–.
a- car b- motorbike c- plane

8- Walking is more popular than ———————- a car.
a- driving b- sailing c- riding

9-Most student in Ajman go to school by ————————-
a- ship b- bus c- boat

10- A ferry is a kind of —————————
a- spaceship b- rocket c- boat

B- Classify the following ( 10 m )….

Rocket- big – yacht – fly – drive –long – moped – tree- chair – ferry

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Means of transportation Land

A- Write the missing letters…

1- A car is fa__ter than a tra___n

2- Ahmed r__des his mop__d to school everyday.

B- Write three meaning full sentences a bout your journey to school…

1- ——————————————————————————-

2- ——————————————————————————-

3- ——————————————————————————–

C- Write a paragraph a bout the Transportation


منـــــــــــــــــــقوول :ْ~

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